Tag Archives: thinking

Life has a different meaning now…


People say that when we go through a trauma, we give life a new meaning, we see things diffrentely, well… I guess people are right.

I am not dying, well, i am not aware if I am so… but my life has changed a lot, I kinda wanted to live my life like its a regular thing, as if it had no meaning, and in January something happened, something that made me change my very own perception of life…

I always said, “I dont want to die an old man, I dont want to be wrinkled, I wanna die while am still desired, while I am still atractive” and laughed of my talk, so many times that I actually belived in my words, but January 2017 made me change my perception of how and when I wanna die.

My cousin died at the age of 54, last January 12th… (cancer) first of all came a breast cancer, everything went so well that we actually looked at it as a proof given by God, “What doens´t kill you, makes you stronger”, a few months later, trachea cancer, two months… so quick… so unexpected…


I dont wanna die young…

I had a shortness of breath that night, could barely breath, I was nervous…

My spine hurts, I had a bladder crisis. After a few days I visited my doctor, and explained all my situation…

“Let´s do some exams, its nothing, but let´s just check it out” He said…

“Ok lets do it” I said; but I could barely be focused on work, I just could think of that.

I dont wanna die, I am too young, I have my husband, my family, my friends, the whole world to visit, I want to wake up every morning and be able to breath the fresh breeze, feel the sun´s heat by my balcony…I wanna live, till am old, wrinkled, until am so wrinkled that nobody will desire me anymore.

I want to lie down in my bed, at the age of 100, fall asleep and never wake up, I want my soul to leave my physical body, making sure that together we lived everything, we enjoyed every moment on earth.



That sooooooo complicated status, between birth and death…

We keep on expecting… Anything we do, is based on expectations, many of those are just that… 

Life is too short to be

  • Unhappy
  • Mistreated
  • Unloved
  • Alone
  • Fighting
  • Arguing 

Spending our days trying to justify bad feelings, is not wise, it keeps on wasting our precious time, something we don’t have.

Being happy and smile, is simply the best way to keep up with this soooo short break we have between birth and death,

Sooooo Be Happy, avoid bad feelings, and value the great gift of life :)))